The Prince And His Mischievous OneChapter 121
Romance Shounen ai Webtoons

Lanka Norman, the spoiled youngest Emperor ever to reign, was betrayed and stabbed by his loyal dog, the military earl, Jan Gray. Somehow, Lanka was returned to the time when he was six years old. To avoid the same disasters recurring in this new life, little Lanka is determined to stay away from that terrible guy this time- all to survive!

The Prince and His Mischievous One [Official]Chapter 85
Drama Romance Shounen ai Supernatural

Lenka Normanster was betrayed by his childhood playmate Jane Grey soon after he took the throne and became the shortest-lived king of the empire. Fortunately, God cares for every living being, he was sent to the year when he was six years old. Given a second chance, Lenka was determined to stay away from that terrible guy this time to save his own life! ...What he didn't expect was that the relationship between them would become even closer?!